Helping everyone to follow the Bible..."in all things great and small."


"When you read God's Word, you must constantly be saying to yourself, 'It is talking to me,
and about me."'   - Soren Kierkegaard
An Open Bible

chapter 1    mp3              chapter 2    mp3             chapter 3    mp3

chapter 4    mp3              chapter 5    mp3             chapter 6    mp3

chapter 7    mp3              chapter 8    mp3             chapter 9    mp3

chapter 10  mp3              chapter 11  mp3             chapter 12  mp3

chapter 13  mp3              chapter 14  mp3             chapter 15  mp3

chapter 16  mp3              chapter 17  mp3             chapter 18  mp3

chapter 19  mp3              chapter 21  mp3             chapter 22  mp3

chapter 23  mp3              chapter 24  mp3